[Rd] R 'postscript' plot - not a valid postscript (PR#7559)

Dan Bolser dmb at mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk
Mon Jan 24 17:54:59 CET 2005

On 24 Jan 2005, Peter Dalgaard wrote:

>dan at bolser.co.uk writes:
>> Full_Name: Mr. Daniel Murray Bolser
>> Version: R 2.0.0 (2004-10-04)
>> OS: Linux beagle 2.4.20-31.9 #1 Tue Apr 13 17:38:16 EDT 2004 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
>> Submission from: (NULL) (
>> Trying to execute the following code produces a 'not a valid postscript' error
>> from various postscript readers (gv, ggv, ghostscript). A very similar code
>> works fine.
>> <CODE>
>> postscript()
>> plot( 1:100, ylim=c(1,700), type='n', log='y')
>> abline(v=seq(0,100,10))
>> abline(h=10)
>> abline(h=seq(0,100, 10)) # Comment out this line and it works fine
>> dev.off()
>> </CODE>
>Just abline(h=0) gives the same effect, with the following in the
>postscript file
>77.04 nan m
>716.61 nan l
>which of course comes from trying to calculate log10(0).
>> Looking at this just now I see the problem, but if a ps file is written, it
>> should be viewable, so I think this is still a bug.
>Yes. However, the workaround would be rather obvious...


Yup, the process of logging a bug lead me to the problem and the
workaround was obvious. However, the hours of trying to debug were not so
much fun. My script worked from within ess, but running in batch mode
in order to prduce a ps failed. I didn't have a clue what was causing the
problem, so I had to check the whole script.


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