[Rd] St0ck Oppurtunities - their climbing (PR#7528)
ytgjfcpxncjsu at servint.com
ytgjfcpxncjsu at servint.com
Mon Jan 17 10:07:35 CET 2005
Content-Type: text/plain;
News After the Close
Tiger Team Technologies (0TC-TTMT)
Leading Deve|oper of a Unique Patented Process for Transforming Business 0perations of Medica| Service Providers (Source: News 1/4/O5)
Current Price: $.125
Many of You May Agree: This is an Exciting Industry
Reasons to Consider TTMT Tuesday: News After The Close Friday
Press Release Source: Tiger Team Technologies Corporation
Tiger Team Techno|ogies Forms Gr0up in India for Medical Billing and Transcription Services Friday January 14, 4:54 pm ET
ST. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Tiger Team Techno|ogies Corporation (Pink Sheets: TTMT - News) is pleased to announce that it has formed a whol|y owned gr0up in India to provide medica| bi|ling and transcription services.
Tiger Team wi|l 0ffer these services over its secure servers and data centers in the United States via VPN (coded security system). This strategy enables Tiger Team to |everage its HIPA comp|iant servers, software, and data centers in the US with the most competitive cost structure in the industry, thereby giving the company a leg up on the competition. Tiger Team joins many Fortune 5OO companies who have done business in India to provide better and more efficient service.
About TTMT
Tiger Team Techno|ogies (T3),is a |eading developer of a unique patented process for transforming business operations of medica| service providers through state-of-the-art communication hardware and software techno|ogies. T3 has exc|usive rights on this patented process, which guarantees secure and bonded electronic file transmission in accordance with federal mandated HIPPA comp|iance requirements. This trans|ates to tota| patient privacy and security which is key to reducing the |iability and medica| premiums p|aced on providers. Based in St. Paul, MN, the Company seeks to pursue an aggressive growth strategy targeted at corporate and individual medical practices by leveraging this exclusive transmission process as an incentive for the medical community to outsource existing services.
Watch This Stock Trade Tuesday! Go Check it 0ut For Yourself at Your Favorite Financial Site. Do You Think It Can Go Higher From Here? Good Luck..
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with many microcap stocks, today's company has additional risk factors worth noting. Today's featured company is not a reporting company registered under the Securities Act of 1934 and hence there is limited information available about the company. Other factors include a |imited operating history,an accumu|ated deficit since its inception,re|iance on |oans from officers and directors to pay expenses,a nomina| cash position,and no revenue in its most recent quarter. It is not currently an operating company. The company is going to need financing. If that financing does not occur, the company may not be able to continue as a going concern in which case you cou|d |ose your entire investment. 0ther risks and uncertainties include, but are not |imited to, the abi|ity of the Company to comp|ete a planned bridge financing, market conditions, the genera| acceptance of the Company's products and technologies, competitive factors, timing, and other risks associated with their busines
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st performance(s) of companies are specia|ly selected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies. You would need perfect timing to acheive the resu|ts in the examples given. There can be no assurance of that happening. Remember, as always, past performance is n e v e r indicative of future resu|ts and a thorough due diligence effort, including a review of a company's filings when avai|able, should be completed prior to investing. In comp|iance with the Securities Act of 1933, Section17(b),The publisher of this news|etter discloses the receipt of twenty eight thousand dol|ars from a third party, not an officer, director or affi|iate shareholder for the circu|ation of this report. Be aware of an inherent conflict of interest resu|ting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid advertisement and is not without bias.The party that paid us has a position in the stock they wi|l se|l at anytime without notice. This could have a negative i
mpact on the price of the stock. Al| factua| information in this report was gathered from pub|ic sources, inc|uding but not limited to Company Websites and Company Press Releases. The pub|isher of this news|etter believes this information to be reliable but can make no guaranteee as to its accuracy or comp|eteness. Use of the material within this email constitutes your acceptance of these terms.
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