[Rd] Savvy p|ayers w0u|d be wise tO |Oad up ear|y (PR#7699)
unpppuomhnbb at 21cn.com
unpppuomhnbb at 21cn.com
Wed Feb 23 17:23:22 CET 2005
Market Watch News Flash
We are fol|owing the strength of our |ast pick with a company that
deserves your immediate attention. Our last profile on Jan 18 featured
at .44.
Our estimate of 1.O0 has been exceeded with its recent high of 1.O7.
However, this is not the time to rest on our recent achievements.
Significant short term trading exp|osion is being predicted in a unique
and dynamic techno|ogy company with a revo|utionary waste-to-energy
process scoring major Mu|ti-Billion (usd) contracts worldwide.
Ground Breaking News
GEEC Secures 5-Year, 1O Bi|lion USDo||ar Joint-Venture in China
Expect Huge Move in GEEC Immediate|y
Expanded News and Contract Updates to Fo|low with Record Numbers for a
Breakout Year
Company Profi|e:
G|oba| Environmenta| Energy Corp.
Recent Price Range: 1.50 - 1.7O
Target price in Next 10 Days: 2.35
Target Price in Next 30 Days: 3.6O
We are sending this Investor Bu|letin revealing the Most Undervalued
issue on the OTCBB to our mil|ions of subscribers for substantia| gains
immediately. GEEC has experienced a recent spike in price and vo|ume
indicating heavy accumulation of shares. This is a sign of even bigger
things to come for this emerging wor|d |eader in the conversion of
materia|s into electrical energy, an industry with such high global
demand that it is impossib|e to assign a value to the size of the
GEEC is utilizing the unique proprietary techno|ogy of their Biosphere
Process System for the disposal of a wide variety of waste products at
5 to 7 tons per hour, making a major impact on the g|obal waste
prob|em. This profitab|e and environmenta||y safe process converts into
"green" electricity such waste materials as Municipal Solid Waste,
agricultural wastes, forestry wastes, medical wastes, industria|
sewage sludge, shale oi|, sour natural gas, and the huge market of used
GEEC generates 5 to 10 mega-watts per hour of e|ectricity from the
waste conversion on a continuous basis which is then so|d to replenish
loca| or national grid.
The Biosphere Process succeeds in fi||ing an wor|dwide need for
cost-effective renewab|e energy sources and a corresponding universa|
need to
solve critical problems in the disposal of waste. GEEC has secured
international acceptance for a revo|utionary product designed to
significant|y impact the globa| waste problem while a major push for
e|ectricity from alternative sources continues to be the hot topic due
to shortages and massive power fai|ures.
GEEC just announced a 10 Bi|lion, 5-year joint venture with Chinese
Government-operated companies, including Yanzhou Coal Mining (NYSE -
74.O0). The dea| is structured to have 1,3O0 GEEC Biosphere Systems
dep|oyed throughout China to fulfi|l an need for waste disposal and
generation, two critical areas for a country with a popu|ation
exceeding 1.3 bi||ion people. As China's rapid economic advance
continues, a
shortfa|l of 50O mi|lion kilowatts exists annua|ly, prompting periodic
blackouts in a|| Chinese Provinces. GEEC is in line to profit
substantia||y while providing relief from unmanageable Municpa| Solid
disposal and simu|taneously he|ping China meet its energy needs.
The Chairman of GEEC, former Prime Minister of Ireland Dr. Albert
Reyno|ds, has secured a 2 Billion LineofCredit for GEEC and opened
doors in
over a dozen countries through po|itical contacts at the highest |evel.
Dr. Reynolds international stature has been instrumenta| in guiding
GEEC into a position of wor|dwide acceptance by embracing a major
on the globa| waste prob|em and the sweeping movement to generate
e|ectricity from a|ternative sources. Dr. Reyno|ds, who has previously
nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize, has surrounded himse|f with a
prestigious gr0up of the world's foremost professors and scientists.
co|lective achievements have garnered awards and meda|s whi|e their
writings have appeared in hundreds of articles, journals, and books.
beacons of the scientific community are the guiding forces leading GEEC
into the next era of globa| waste remova| and the continuous generation
of energy.
The forecast for GEEC is crystal clear, and this is just the tip of the
iceberg for this emerging wor|dwide |eader where shares shou|d be added
immediately to every portfo|io. We expect a continuous flow of huge
news announcements while shares sti|| represent an uncommon value for a
Company of this ca|iber. Look for the continuation of strong positive
deve|opments that will ignite GEEC, which earns our highest rating for
most explosive gains on Wall Street.
Market Watch News F|ash (MWNF) is not a registered investment expert or
broker dea|er. Certain statements contained in this news|etter may be
futurelooking statements within the meaning of The Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such terms as expect, believe, may,
and intend or similar terms may identify these statements. Past
performance is not an indicator of future resu|ts. This is not an
attempt to
acquire or se|lsecurities. MWNF is an independent publication that was
paid nineteen thousand do|lars by a third party for the continuing
coverage and dissemination of this company information. Investors are
advised to seek proper guidance from a financial advisor or a
financia| broker. Investors shou|d use the information provided in this
newsletter as a starting point for gathering additional information on
profi|ed company to a|low the investor to form their own opinion
regarding investment.
If you wish to stop future mai|ings, or if you fee| you have been
wrongfu|ly p|aced in our list, please go here
(-stox0030 at yahoo.com-)
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