[Rd] new R package BRugs

Sibylle Sturtz sturtz at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Fri Apr 8 13:18:36 CEST 2005


this is the first announcement of a *developer version* of the R package 
BRugs, which is based on OpenBUGS 2.1.0.

OpenBUGS 2.1.0 has been released earlier this week 

BRugs contains a complete OpenBUGS installation as well as R code to 
access OpenBUGS functionality from R. Simply install the package, load 
it and say ?BRugs and ?BRugsFit respectively.

Sources (BRugs_0.2-0.tar.gz) and Windows binaries (BRugs_0.2-0.zip) are 
available from
(*this is a temporary directory that will be removed after we think 
BRugs is really stable*).

Feedback, bug reports and feature requests to 
sturtz at statistik.uni-dortmund.de are welcome!

All the best,
Sibylle Sturtz and Uwe Ligges

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