[Rd] man page of hist points to truehist, which can't be viewed without loading a library?

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Thu Sep 9 20:07:59 CEST 2004

rdevel from yesterday, also in 1.9.1 (Debian, -3).

The man page of 'hist' (from the graphics package, obtained by
"?hist") suggests 'truehist' under "see also", but 'truehist' isn't
loaded by default (a sensible "of course"), so that "?truehist" fails.
One can do help.search(), of course, which points what to do, but
leads to my question:

  In referencing functions in other packages, should the "See Also"
  link mention the library that they are coming from?  I'm less
  concerned about the example and more concerned about some packages
  I'm wrapping up.

(this was from the command line in a terminal window, not w/in ESS).


Anthony Rossini			    Research Associate Professor
rossini at u.washington.edu            http://www.analytics.washington.edu/ 
Biomedical and Health Informatics   University of Washington
Biostatistics, SCHARP/HVTN          Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
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