[Rd] Namespaces, coercion and setAs

Matthias.Kohl at uni-bayreuth.de Matthias.Kohl at uni-bayreuth.de
Sat Nov 27 11:11:38 CET 2004


does adding the line


to the Rd-file of your "matrix.diag.csr" class solve the mysterium?


> Absolutely correct.  Adding coerce to the NAMESPACE list of
> exportMethods
> resolves the problem.  Leaves only the mildly mysterious
> Undocumented S4 methods:
>    generic coerce and siglist numeric,matrix.diag.csr
> All user-level objects in a package (including S4 classes and methods)
> should have documentation entries.
> to clean up.  Thanks very much!!
> Roger
> On Nov 26, 2004, at 12:29 PM, Roger Bivand wrote:
>> On Fri, 26 Nov 2004, roger koenker wrote:
>>> I'm trying to resolve a small problem that has arisen from
>>> introducing a
>>> NAMESPACE for the package SparseM.  Prior to the namespace I had a
>>> class
>>> "matrix.diag.csr" that consisted of diagonal sparse matrices.  It was
>>> defined to have the same attributes as the matrix.csr class and setAs
>>> was used to define how to coerce integers and vectors into this form:
>>> setClass("matrix.diag.csr","matrix.csr")
>>> setAs("numeric","matrix.diag.csr",function(from){
>>>          if(length(from)==1){
>>>                  n <- as.integer(from)
>>>                  if(n>0) from  <-  rep(1,n)
>>>                  else stop("Sparse identity matrices must have
>>> positive,
>>> integer dimension")
>>>                  }
>>>          else n <- length(from)
>>>          return(new("matrix.diag.csr", ra = from ,ja =
>>> as.integer(1:n),
>>>                  ia = as.integer(1:(n+1)), dimension =
>>> as.integer(c(n,n))))
>>>          })
>>> This seemed to be fine.   I could do,
>>> 	A  <- as(5,"matrix.diag.csr")
>>> and A would be a 5x5 identity matrix in sparse form.  But
>>> post-namespace
>>> I get:
>>>> A <- as(5,"matrix.diag.csr") Error in as(5, "matrix.diag.csr") : No
>>> method or default for coercing "numeric" to "matrix.diag.csr"
>>> so apparently using exportClass(matrix.diag.csr)  isn't sufficient
>>> for coerce to know what to do. Using findClass("matrix.diag.csr")
>>> indicates
>>> that the class is recognized to be from SparseM, so my question is:
>>> is
>>> there some mechanism that I'm missing in the NAMESPACE scheme that
>>> would
>>> enable my old setAs() directive to work, or is there some other
>>> suggestion on how to proceed?
>> I'm far from sure about this, but is "coerce" one of the exported
>> methods?
>> I'm having the same difficulty in retrofitting a NAMESPACE to the
>> forthcoming sp package of spatial classes, for S4 classes.
>> I see from src/library/methods/NAMESPACE that as and coerce are
>> exported
>> from there - should a package with a NAMESPACE and S4 classes do
>> import(methods) ?
>> Roger
>>> url:	www.econ.uiuc.edu/~roger        	Roger Koenker
>>> email	rkoenker at uiuc.edu			Department of Economics
>>> vox: 	217-333-4558				University of Illinois
>>> fax:   	217-244-6678				Champaign, IL 61820
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>> --
>> Roger Bivand
>> Economic Geography Section, Department of Economics, Norwegian School
>> of
>> Economics and Business Administration, Breiviksveien 40, N-5045
>> Bergen, Norway. voice: +47 55 95 93 55; fax +47 55 95 93 93
>> e-mail: Roger.Bivand at nhh.no
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