[Rd] Questions on package creation

Witold Eryk Wolski wolski at molgen.mpg.de
Thu Nov 11 09:31:01 CET 2004

I mentioned --force
R CMD build --force
is creating the INDEX file automatically. I use it normally.

And in my view in your sequence the point 2. is superfluous in your 
You do not need a build neither before check nor INSTALL.


Gabor Grothendieck wrote:

>I have some questions about 
>   1. nomenclature, 
>   2. recommended file locations and 
>   3. overall procedure related to creating packages.
>To the extent that it matters, examples here relate to Windows XP
>R 2.0.1 beta.  
>The questions are interspersed and prefaced with ***.
>My understanding is that there are actually 6 forms of a package
>that one should use in package development:
>1. original package.  This refers to the original source files, 
>   documentation and other files that the author develops.  
>   If source control, e.g. svn, is used then these are the files 
>   that are under source control.  They are kept in some arbitrary 
>   location on one's disk.  Let us say \usr\mypackage, for example.
>*** Is there some standard name for this form of the package?
>2. source archive.  This is created from the original package
>   like this:
>     cd \Program Files\rw2001beta
>     bin\R CMD build /usr/mypackage
>   which creates, say
>     \Program Files\rw2001beta\mypackage_1.0-1.tar.gz
>   The source archive is distinct from the original archive since it
>   is specific to a version of R and excludes the files referenced
>   in \usr\mypackage\.Rbuildignore
>*** Is \Program Files\rw2001beta the correct place to put this
>   .tar.gz file?
>3. source tree.  This is created from the gzipped tar archive in #2
>   like this:
>     cd \Program Files\rw2001beta
>     gzip -d mypackage_1.0-1.tar.gz
>     cd src\library
>     tar xvf ..\..\mypackage_1.0-1.tar
>   and is checked like this:
>     cd \Program Files\rw2001beta
>     bin\R CMD check mypackage
>4. binary archive.  This is created from the source archive in #2
>   or the source tree in #3:
>      cd \Program Files\rw2001beta
>      bin\R CMD build mypackage --binary
>   which creates \Program Files\rw2001beta\myhpackage_1.0-1.zip
>*** Is \Program Files\rw2001beta the correct place to put this?
>5. installed package.  This installed by:
>     cd \Program Files\rw2001beta
>     bin\R CMD install mypackage
>  which results in the source package being installed in:
>     \Program Files\rw2001beta\library\mypackage
>  This can alternately be done with the R GUI menu: 
>    Packages | Install package(s) from local zip files
>6. loaded package.  In R using the command:
>     library(mypackage)
>   loads the package into R.  This can alternately be done
>   using the R GUI menu:
>      Packages | Load package
>One might initially skip #3 and #4 and just test the package out
>in R after #6 and once one is satisfied that it is in good shape
>repeat the sequence.
>*** Is all the above the correct and recommended sequence?
>*** Someone mentioned that --force is important.  How does that 
>    fit into all this?  I still have not used it and am not sure
>    about it.
>R-devel at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

Dipl. bio-chem. Witold Eryk Wolski
MPI-Moleculare Genetic
Ihnestrasse 63-73 14195 Berlin
tel: 0049-30-83875219                 __("<    _
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mail: witek96 at users.sourceforge.net    ^^     m m
      wolski at molgen.mpg.de

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