problem with tcltk under Windows (was [Rd] RE: [R] onemore Rcmdrproblem)

John Fox jfox at
Thu Nov 4 22:12:30 CET 2004

Dear Thomas,

Brian Ripley has already mentioned that Windows/tcltk problems have been
fixed in R 2.0.1 beta. I'll provide some background.

In addition to the control-key problems with R 2.0.0, I and my students have
been experiencing a number of Windows instability problems running the Rcmdr
this fall. The version of R that my students have is 1.9.1 patched, and the
same version is installed in the university computer labs. I found that with
this version and R 2.0.0 (under Windows 2000 and XP), running the Rcmdr
under rterm.exe rather than under rgui.exe seems to provide much better
stability. This is a reasonable solution for me since my intro stats
students interact with R only through the Rcmdr GUI. 

I'm hopeful that tcltk will run more stably on Windows under R 2.0.1 with
the console provided by rgui.exe.


John Fox
Department of Sociology
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

> -----Original Message-----
> From: r-devel-bounces at 
> [mailto:r-devel-bounces at] On Behalf Of Thomas Ruf
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 8:38 AM
> To: r-devel at
> Subject: problem with tcltk under Windows (was [Rd] RE: [R] 
> onemore Rcmdrproblem)
> Dear all,
> I'd like to use Rcmdr for teaching purposes but still have 
> problems trying to use it under Windows XP. Everything works 
> fine up to several minutes but then Rcmdr and R completely 
> crash the second I hit a button or key. This indeed looks 
> like a problem with tcltk. It is not any particular button or 
> key that causes the crash, but using Ctrl+C to copy something 
> to the clipboard seem the most 'reliable' cause. I tried this 
> on 4 different PCs all under Windows XP (home or prof.), SP1. 
> I did download and reinstall R 2.0.0, RCmdr and required 
> packages on Nov. 1, 2004, but that didn't help either. Are 
> there any new insights into these problems?
> Best regards,
> Thomas
> --
> Thomas Ruf
> Institute of Wildlife Ecology
> University of Veterinary Medicine
> Vienna, Austria
> Tel.: *43 1 4890915 150
> Fax:  *43 1 4890915 550
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