[Rd] will not compile on Fedora Core 2 Test 2 (PR#6844)

Dan.Kelley at phys.ocean.dal.ca Dan.Kelley at phys.ocean.dal.ca
Sat May 1 14:32:43 CEST 2004

> Please try the r-patched version of R.  This is a serious bug in the
> XFree86 4.4.x headers, that we have worked around by adding the lines
> shown

Thanks very much, Brian, especially for answering on a Saturday.

I wasn't sure what "r-patched" meant, and the developer page won't load
for me (using the link from the main R page), so I just altered the code
as suggested (patch shown below for verification) and it is now compiling
happily away, having jumped over this dataentry.c roadblock smoothly.

This makes me happy because I told some students the other day that they
should try Fedora Core 2, and that they should use R on it.

Dan.  (below shows the change I made, in accordance with your suggestion)

[kelley at localhost X11]$ diff -Naur dataentry.c dataentry.c~
--- dataentry.c 2004-05-01 13:50:58.504206988 -0300
+++ dataentry.c~        2004-03-27 09:46:11.000000000 -0400
@@ -27,10 +27,6 @@

 /* don't use X11 function prototypes (which tend to ...): */
 #define NeedFunctionPrototypes 0
-/* XFree 4.4.0 forgets to define this if NeedFunctionPrototypes=0 */
-#ifndef _Xconst
-#define _Xconst const
 #include <X11/X.h>
 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
 #include <X11/Xutil.h>

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