[Rd] Re: CRAN packages maintained by you (subscripting problem
under 1.9.0.alpha?)
Jens Oehlschlägel
joehl at web.de
Mon Mar 22 18:03:08 CET 2004
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I was notfied that my package ref fails R CMD CHECK under 1.9.0 Alpha.
I downloaded the windows version of 1.9.0 Alpha (dated 2004-03-17) and package ref passes R CMD CHECK without any complaints.
The daily checks suggest the problem arises in example(optimal.index)
Error in identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, n = length(l), strict = FALSE)]) :
only 0's may mix with negative subscripts
where negative subscripts are mixed with NAs (which was legal in versions prior 1.9.0).
Is it an intended change not to allow NA mix with negative subscripts any longer?
(I did not find any hint in NEWS)
Thanks for any hint
Jens Oehlschlägel
# examples from optimal.index
l <- letters
names(l) <- letters
stopifnot({i <- 1:3 ; identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, n=length(l))])})
stopifnot({i <- -(4:26) ; identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, n=length(l))])})
stopifnot({i <- c(rep(TRUE, 3), rep(FALSE, 23)) ; identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, n=length(l))])})
stopifnot({i <- c("a", "b", "c"); identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, i.names=names(l))])})
old.options <- options(show.error.messages=FALSE); stopifnot(inherits(try(optimal.index(c(1:3, 3), n=length(l))), "try-error")); options(old.options)
stopifnot({i <- c(1:3, 3, NA);identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, n=length(l), strict=FALSE)])})
# that one triggeres an error ???
stopifnot({i <- c(-(4:26), -26, NA);identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, n=length(l), strict=FALSE)])})
stopifnot({i <- c(rep(TRUE, 3), rep(FALSE, 23), TRUE, FALSE, NA);identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, n=length(l), strict=FALSE)])})
stopifnot({i <- c("a", "b", "c", "a", NA);identical(l[i], l[optimal.index(i, i.names=names(l), strict=FALSE)])})
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
status alpha
major 1
minor 9.0
year 2004
month 03
day 17
language R
Kurt.Hornik at wu-wien.ac.at schrieb am 22.03.04 10:27:18:
> Dear maintainers of CRAN packages,
> This concerns the packages
> gregmisc hdf5 ref
> These packages fail R CMD check for a current version of r-devel, which
> went into ferature freeze on 2004-03-21 and will be released as R 1.9.0
> on 2004-04-04.
> As you know, packages which fail R CMD check at the time of a new
> release will be moved from CRAN's main area into the Devel area. Hence,
> it is very important that we receive updates of such packages as soon as
> possible.
> Please have a look at the daily check logs at
> http://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/checkSummary.html
> to see what the problem is, and look at the NEWS file in the r-devel
> sources as well as
> http://developer.r-project.org/190update.txt
> for information on changes in the current development version of R.
> Please note also that binary versions of r-devel for Windows and Mac OS
> X are available via CRAN.
> Keep the fixes coming in!
> Best
> -k
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