[Rd] unit testing framework for R?
Tony Plate
tplate at blackmesacapital.com
Wed Mar 17 19:53:56 MET 2004
Packages can have a 'tests' directory, which can contain foo.R and
foo.Rout.save files. When packages are built (or checked) the output from
running R with the commands in foo.R is compared with foo.Rout.save, and
differences are reported.
The "Writing R Extensions" manual discusses this a little. It suggests:
"Use R CMD check --help (Rcmd check --help on Windows) to obtain more
information about the usage of the R package checker. A subset of the
checking steps can be selected by adding flags."
I've considered looking at several enhancements of the testing features:
(1) automatically construct foo.R from foo.Rout.save (easy if the file only
contains simple commands issued at the standard prompt); (2) allow
specification of which test files to run; and (3) print summaries of test
successes and failures at the end of running the selected tests. Is there
any wider interest in such features?
-- Tony Plate
At Wednesday 11:11 AM 3/17/2004, Paul Shannon wrote:
>In a quick search of the R website just now, I found no mention of
>a unit testing framework for R. I hope to find something
>in the style of Java's JUnit, or Python's unittest. Is such a
>thing available?
> - Paul Shannon
> Institute for Systems Biology
> Seattle
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