[Rd] lattice/grid: problem with viewports for strips with zero height

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan at stat.wisc.edu
Wed Mar 10 01:30:05 MET 2004

On Wednesday 03 March 2004 04:08, Wolfram Fischer wrote:
>         # Allocating strip labels by the function strip.fun():
>     strip.test()
>         # Result: No strips: ok. No strings: NOT OK.
>         # The distance ``y.text=unit(6,"points")'' is ignored;
>         # the strings are not seen on the output.

Looks like a grid bug/feature where non-zero 'y' in grid.text doesn't work 
for viewports with zero height, even if clipping is turned off. Simpler 

grid.text("some text", y = unit(6, "points"), 
          just = c("center", "bottom"), 
          vp = viewport(x = .5, y = .5, h = 0, clip = FALSE))

(Works if h > 0)

>     strip.test( strip.lines=1 )
>         # Result: 2 strips: ok, but not whished. 2 strings: ok.
>     strip.test( y.text=0 )
>         # Result: No strips: ok. 2 strings: ok, but not pretty.
>     strip.test( strip.lines=0.01 )
>         # Result: 2 very narrow strips: ok, but not whished. 2 strings:
> ok.

The third workaround looks OK to me. You can make strip.lines as small as 
you want as long as it's positive.

Anyway, I would take a different approach (creating a new factor) for what 
you are trying to do:

combine.factors <- function(..., sep = "/",
                            drop = FALSE,
                            reverse = FALSE)
    ## each argument in ... should be a factor,
    ## first varies fastest

    dots <- lapply(list(...), as.factor)
    dotlevels <- lapply(dots, levels)
    dotchars <- lapply(dots, as.character)
    final.levels <- dotlevels[[1]]
    if (length(dotlevels) > 1)
        for (i in 2:length(dotlevels))
            final.levels <-
                if (reverse)
                                      paste, sep = sep)))
                                    paste, sep = sep))
    final.chars <-
                c(if (reverse) rev(dotchars) else dotchars,
                  list(sep = sep)))
    ans <- factor(final.chars, levels = final.levels)
    if (drop) ans <- ans[, drop = TRUE]

dotplot(variety ~ yield | combine.factors(year, site,
                                          sep = "    ",
                                          reverse = TRUE),
        data = barley, layout = c(2, 6))


>     library( lattice )
>     library( grid )
>     data( barley )
> strip.test <- function( strip.lines=0, y.text=unit( 6, "points" ), ...
> ){ lset( list( clip = list( strip=F ) ) )
>     strip.fun <- function( which.given, which.panel, factor.levels, ...
> ){ grid.text( label=factor.levels[which.panel[which.given]] , x= 0.5 - (
> which.given - 1.5 ) * 0.7
>             , y=y.text
>             , just=c( c("right","left")[which.given], "bottom" )
>             )
>     }
>     print( dotplot( variety ~ yield | year * site, data=barley
>         , par.strip.text=list( lines=strip.lines )
>         , strip=strip.fun
>         , between=list( y=1.5 )
>         , ...
>         ))
> }
> Wolfram
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