[Rd] vfont and title() (PR#7031)

gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com
Tue Jun 29 16:24:42 CEST 2004

The "Hershey" help page  states:

     If the 'vfont' argument to one of the text-drawing functions
     ('text', 'mtext', 'title', 'axis', and 'contour') is a character
     vector of length 2, Hershey vector fonts are used to render the

However, title() issues warnings and does not use the vfont information if

> title(main="test",vfont=c("sans serif","bold"))
Warning message: 
parameter "vfont" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function 


Gregory R. Warnes
Manager, Non-Clinical Statistics
Pfizer Global Research and Development

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