[Rd] Copying and printing lattice graphics (PR#7004)

Prof Brian Ripley ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jun 22 11:57:19 CEST 2004

This looks very like a bug introduced in 1.9.0 and supposedly fixed in
1.9.1. Do you really have a proper build of 1.9.1 (and not some

Your example works for me in 1.9.1 but only randomly in 1.9.0.

On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 olafuri at imr.no wrote:

> Full_Name: Olafur Arnar Ingolfsson
> Version: 1.9.1
> OS: Win XP
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Copying lattice graphics only works with copy as bitmap.
> Printing the graphic window doesn't work either.
> I have the same problem with 1.9.0 and 1.9.1, just updatet packages
> If I have done som (obvious) mistake, I do apologize.
> x.val <- rnorm(100,50,3)
> library(grid);library(lattice)
> bwplot(x.val)  # can't copy or print that except w. copy as bitmap
> boxplot(x.val) # this works without any problems

Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics,  http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford,             Tel:  +44 1865 272861 (self)
1 South Parks Road,                     +44 1865 272866 (PA)
Oxford OX1 3TG, UK                Fax:  +44 1865 272595

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