[Rd] na.omit and class conversion (PR#6967)
mark0060 at tc.umn.edu
mark0060 at tc.umn.edu
Thu Jun 10 19:00:27 CEST 2004
Full_Name: Kristian E. Markon
Version: 1.90
Submission from: (NULL) (
I have been having problems with na.omit, and am not sure if it is a bug, or new
Basically, I observe exactly the same behavior as described in the bug
Language-fixed/522, but it occurs with classes other than matrices, including
data.frames. I am not sure how to reproduce it, as it sometimes occurs with
matrices, and sometimes not, and sometimes with data.frames and sometimes not.
It does occur repeatedly, however.
I have observed another issue that may be related: It sometimes seems that
classes are not being converted.
For example, if I do a factor analysis and save the loading matrix in an
temp.fa = factanal(covmat=x.cor, factors=2)
temp.load = temp.fa$load
I will sometimes get error messages that such and such is not possible with
loading matrices.
For example, if I try to put the loadings in a list, and then convert the list
to a data.frame, as in
as.data.frame(list(items=names, load=temp.load)), I get an error stating that
loadings cannot be converted to data.frames.
This error persists if I convert the loading matrix to a matrix class--e.g.,
as.data.frame(list(items=names, load=as.matrix(temp.load)))
However, if I create a matrix, and assign the loadings to this matrix--e.g.,
load.mat = matrix(nrow=35,ncol=2)
load.mat[1:35,1:2] = as.matrix(temp.load)
then the following command
as.data.frame(list(items=names, load=temp.load))
works as expected.
The reason why I suspect the na.omit problem may be related is that I seem to
observe na.omit problems more often when dealing with objects that have been
converted from one class to another.
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