[Rd] Re: 1.9.1-alpha & tty

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Wed Jun 9 16:00:20 CEST 2004

To answer a completely different question than the one you pose, an
alternative strategy for Debian's default system install is to give
ownership of /usr/local/lib/R/site-packages to a group and make it
group writable, granting membership to those who are allowed to
install packages. 

Göran Broström <gb at stat.umu.se> writes:

> On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 01:23:49PM +0200, Göran Broström wrote:
>> I have two versions of R on my Debian testing: R-1.9.0 (precompiled) and
>> R-1.9.1-alpha of 2004-06-07 (built on my system). In the latter, I get
>> > system("emacs sim.R &")
>> > emacs: standard input is not a tty
>> while with R-1.9.0 it works as expected. I have absolutely no idea about
>> what's going on, so I could use some help. Anyone?
> I just recalled that I was running R-1.9.1 as root ("su -; R") in order to
> be able to 'install.packages'. That must be the reason, but I still don't
> understand what it means.
> Göran
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