[Rd] Notification of Removed Attachment - please read for details (PR#6478)

replies-discarded at sas.com replies-discarded at sas.com
Tue Jan 27 10:44:24 MET 2004

Please read this notification carefully.  Almost certainly, you need *not* contact your Help Desk at this time.

An attachment was removed because it was of a type prohibited by our email policies. If a business need exists to transfer this file type by email, the sender/recipient within SAS should refer to http://sww.sas.com/helpdesk/pc/EmailAttachmentPolicy.htm.

This notification does not necessarily mean that a virus-infected attachment was removed. However, the type of file that was being emailed is one that is, unfortunately, commonly used to transfer viruses. It is our policy to restrict the free flow of this type of attachment via email in order to protect ourselves and our external customers from the damage that can be caused by viruses that are sometimes transported in these files.

Sender: r-bugs at r-project.org
Recipient(s):  itsv at unx.sas.com
Received:  Tue Jan 27 04:42:40 2004
Subject of Message:  test

Attachment file name: readme.exe:HEADER 
Action on Attachment: STRIP


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