[Rd] Another wishlist for R

Patrick Burns pburns at pburns.seanet.com
Wed Jan 21 12:43:38 MET 2004

I vote utils.

Prof Brian Ripley wrote:

>Note that `R base' could mean the base package or the R distribution, and 
>I don't know which is meant.  Could one of you please clarify?
>The base package in R-devel is much reduced, but these could be a 
>candidates for the `utils' (or perhaps `tools') packages.
>On Wed, 21 Jan 2004, Patrick Burns wrote:
>>Warnes, Gregory R wrote:
>>>>1. Add "head" and "tail" to R base.  
>>>>  Patrick Burns has these: 
>>>>  Very handy functions for checking data manipulation.
>>>How about we just add these to a package available on CRAN?  How about we
>>>just make a package of the Burns Statistics functions?  There are already
>>>.Rd files...
>>This sounds suspiciously like an editorial "we".
>>I do have plans of a package of Burns Statistics functions, but haven't
>>got around to it yet.  However, I do agree with Kevin that "head" and
>>"tail" are good candidates for base (though I'm not sure it would be
>>number 1 on my wishlist).  "head" and especially "tail" have value in
>>programming as well as interactive use, which I think is a stronger
>>argument for inclusion in base than just being handy interactively.  
>>Patrick Burns
>>Burns Statistics
>>patrick at burns-stat.com
>>+44 (0)20 8525 0696
>>(home of S Poetry and "A Guide for the Unwilling S User")
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