[Rd] Windows versions immediately exit (PR#6443)

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Tue Jan 20 01:16:16 MET 2004

extropy at paradise.net.nz writes:

> Full_Name: Joel Pitt
> Version: 1.81
> OS: XP
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Running any of the windows binaries in Windows XP cause programs to immediately
> exit without producing any error. The RGui is displayed momentarily and
> everything looks fine before it exits.
> Attaching Visual C++ to either of Rgui or RTerm results in the following:
> "User breakpoint called from code at 0x77f75a58"

Not true here.  Probably an issue with your system.

rossini at u.washington.edu            http://www.analytics.washington.edu/ 
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