[Rd] small bug on qchisq (PR#6442)

Remy.Drouilhet at upmf-grenoble.fr Remy.Drouilhet at upmf-grenoble.fr
Mon Jan 19 18:10:04 MET 2004

Full_Name: Drouilhet Rémy
Version: 1.8.1
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

qchisq(1,10) works well but qchisq(1,10,ncp=0) does not work whereas ncp=0 is
the default value of the function qchisq(1,10). (of course, 10 will be replaced
by any integer value).
Let us notice that this bug occurs only when applying probability one.
(qchisq(seq(0,.9,.1),10,ncp=0) works very well).

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