[Rd] Wish list

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Mon Jan 19 17:32:06 MET 2004

On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 11:18:47 -0500, Paul Gilbert
<pgilbert at bank-banque-canada.ca> wrote :

>Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>  but they'll still have access via CRAN to
>> older versions of your package.
>Are you sure about that? I can't find old contributed packages, but it 
>wouldn't be the first time I've missed something obvious. 
>(src/contrib/Old is hardly a complete archive.)

Not sure about source versions.  Windows binaries are available from
1.6 on, in <http://www.cran.mirrors.pair.com/bin/windows/contrib>.   

We have talked about when to drop 1.6; I'd like to keep it online for
a year after the next version comes out (which would mean 1.6 goes
away this spring, 1.7 in the fall, etc.).  This means that someone has
at least a year to upgrade their R installation. 

Duncan Murdoch

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