[Rd] request for comments --- package "distr" --- S4 Classes for Distributions

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Tue Feb 3 14:32:44 MET 2004

On 03 Feb 2004 13:21:24 +0100, Peter Dalgaard
<p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk> wrote :

>Duncan Murdoch <dmurdoch at pair.com> writes:

>> That's the most common 1-dimensional singular distribution, but higher
>> dimensional distributions are much more commonly singular.  For
>> example, mixed continuous-discrete distributions, and other
>> distributions whose support is of lower dimension than the sample
>> space, e.g. X ~ N(0,1), Y=X.
>I don't think that qualifies as continuous, does it? Not in the sense
>that the distribution function is continuous, surely. 

Yes, for my second example the 2-d distribution function is
continuous, because there are no atoms:

F(x,y) = P(X <= x, Y <= y) = Phi(min(x,y))

I was wrong about the mixed case; sorry.


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