[Rd] Problem loading library Matrix on Solaris machine

Douglas Bates bates at stat.wisc.edu
Sun Aug 22 17:23:17 CEST 2004

Gerrit Eichner wrote:
> Dear Prof. Ripley,
> thank you for your offer for assistance. Here are some more details from
> our sys admin (who sincerely thanks you for the hint to
> Matrix/src/taucs/taucs.h):
> --- the system administrator says: ---
> Since we don't have a license for the cc compiler anymore I have to use
> gcc. Trying to compile the Matrix package via the Makefile in Matrix/src
> doesn't work as this uses the cc compiler and I don't know how to change
> that in an appropriate way (there is no configure script for example).
> As I don't really understand how R compiles downloaded packages and how
> and where I could change the configuration for that, I tried the following
> dirty hack:
> - added '#define OSTYPE_solaris' in Matrix/src/taucs/taucs.h
> - made a new tarball (Matrix_0.8-10.tar.gz) of the directory Matrix
> - put PACKAGES and Matrix_0.8-10.tar.gz on my own website
> - installed the changed package via
>   > options(CRAN = 'http://my_own_website...')
>   > install.packages("Matrix")
> ... which did the trick. But where should OSTYPE_solaris really be set?
> --- end system administrator ---
> I hope these informations can shed some light onto our problem and assist
> you in tracking down the reason. Thanks again.
>  Best regards  --  Gerrit Eichner
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  AR Dr. Gerrit Eichner                            Mathematical Institute
>  gerrit.eichner at math.uni-giessen.de     Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
>  Tel: +49-(0)641-99-32104            Arndtstr. 2, 35392 Giessen, Germany
>  Fax: +49-(0)641-99-32029      http://www.math.uni-giessen.de/Stochastik
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The problem stems from my not understanding the configuration of the 
taucs package, which I have included in the Matrix package for one 
routine only.  I configured the taucs package on a Linux machine then 
copied it into Matrix/src/taucs/.

Rather than redoing the taucs package so that it works properly I will 
probably use the LDL' form of the Cholesky decomposition from Tim 
Davis's LDL package and remove taucs entirely.

Watch for a new upload of the Matrix package in the next two days.

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