[Rd] boxplot graphical arguments (PR#6832)

maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Wed Apr 28 17:20:43 CEST 2004

>>>>> "arnima" == arnima  <arnima at u.washington.edu>
>>>>>     on Wed, 28 Apr 2004 04:42:33 +0200 (CEST) writes:

    arnima> Dear r-bugs, 

there's no such group nor person --  "R developers" might be
appropriate (including R-core but more)
{or did I just not get your implied joke?  never mind}

    arnima> I'd like to be able to draw boxplots
    arnima> with solid or dotted whisker lines.  The lty
    arnima> argument is currently ignored by boxplot(), and
    arnima> indeed hardwired in bxp().

    arnima> It's not very difficult


    arnima>  to customize these functions
    arnima> to generate various types of boxplots, but generally
    arnima> it might be an idea to allow the user to pass a few
    arnima> more graphical arguments to boxplot(). The approach
    arnima> might as well mimic S-Plus, but still retain the default R look.

Good ideas, I agree!  And you are giving all the reasons why it
makes sense for us to wait for your improvement patches,
to be specific, probably to the files


    arnima> Thanks, Arni

Thank you, in advance, for your contribution :-)

Martin Maechler

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