[Rd] (PR#6815): build fails for foreign with Sun Forte

rsparapa at post.its.mcw.edu rsparapa at post.its.mcw.edu
Wed Apr 28 16:28:23 CEST 2004

This is a reproducible bug that I reported earlier.  The work-around is to 
remove the link foreign.tgz so that the build does not attempt to create the 
foreign library.  However, there is actually nothing wrong with the foreign 
source so the problem must be somewhere in the configure process.  After make 
install, then use the original source as follows and everything should work:
R CMD INSTALL foreign_0.6-6.tar.gz

Rodney Sparapani              Medical College of Wisconsin
Sr. Biostatistician           Patient Care & Outcomes Research
rsparapa at mcw.edu              http://www.mcw.edu/pcor
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