[Rd] type.convert (PR#6781)
hosking at watson.ibm.com
hosking at watson.ibm.com
Fri Apr 16 18:31:33 CEST 2004
Full_Name: J. R. M. Hosking
Version: 1.9.0
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (
Two problems, perhaps related:
(1) na.strings is not honored when x is non-numeric and as.is=T
> type.convert( c("abc","-"), as.is=T, na.strings="-" )
[1] "abc" "-"
... unless x consists only of NAs
> type.convert( c("abc","-"), as.is=T, na.strings=c("-","abc") )
[1] NA NA
But with x numeric or as.is FALSE (or omitted), it works as advertised:
> type.convert( c("abc","-"), na.strings="-" )
[1] abc <NA>
Levels: abc
> type.convert( c("6","-"), na.strings="-" )
[1] 6 NA
(2) When na.strings is omitted, blank strings in nonnumeric vectors are not
converted into NAs (regardless of the value of as.is).
> type.convert(c("6",""," ")) # OK: gives 6 NA NA
[1] 6 NA NA
> type.convert(c("A",""," ")) # gives a factor with 3 levels and no NAs
[1] A
Levels: A
> type.convert(c("A",""," "),as.is=T) # gives a char vector with no NAs
[1] "A" "" " "
Rider: it would be nice if type.convert had a strip.white argument, so that
type.convert(c(" 6"," -"),na.strings="-",strip.white=T)
would return a numeric vector. Stripping leading and trailing blanks can be
time-consuming, and could presumably be done more quickly by an .Internal
function such as the one called by type.convert.
(R 1.9.0, Windows binary from CRAN)
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