[Rd] Macintosh -- changing working directory forces computer to restart (PR#6749)

paolillo at indiana.edu paolillo at indiana.edu
Thu Apr 8 21:25:25 CEST 2004

Full_Name: John C. Paolillo
Version: 1.8.1 Aqua
OS: Mac OS X 10.3
Submission from: (NULL) (

Changing working directory (Tools menu) in R-Aqua causes a fatal error that
forces the computer to restart immediately after setting the directory in the
dialog box (screen grays and displays a message saying you need to hold the
power key for several seconds, several languages displayed). This behavior
became evident after 2004-04-05 security update (it used to work correctly) but
it seems unlikely this should affect the behavior. Command-line R seems to work

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