[Rd] New Marketing tool

ceo102W1hDH at globalgiftware.net ceo102W1hDH at globalgiftware.net
Sun Sep 21 05:01:28 MEST 2003


I have something of utmost importance to discuss with
you and I Know this can impact your business greatly.
There is nothing like it on the net and I am sure
it will be hailed as the Hottest and best marketing 
tool of 2003 and beyond.

As you are well aware, Auto responders have 
become common place on the internet today 
and every where you turn you will find them.
As a professional marketer YOU know how important
it is to follow up with your prospects.

The Problem is that they are commonly seen as SP^M. 
This has forced the commercial auto responder 
companies to implement strict rules and limitations 
on the use of their services and those who install 
their own auto responders are risking loosing their 
hosting if they misuse them. 

There is finally a solution to this growing Problem...


We have Launched a BULLET PROOF Autoresponder
that you will never have to worry about Sp^m or 
worry about ISP issues.. All mail will run off our

you will be able to plug-in to 100,000 emails  a month..

You will be able to run multiple AR campaigns..

Because we aren't at risk of being 
kicked of our host (we own it), we can allow our members to 
import unverified people into our system. 

This means that you can use the auto responder as your 
first contact with people while complying to the 
most strict e-mailing law to date. The auto responder 
automatically generates a functioning removal 
link and cleans your lists against all removal  
requests that we have received to date.

Protect your business 
Grow your business

mailto:frogs101 at mailpuppy.com?subject=Bullet


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