[Rd] potentially nasty interaction between R 1.8.0 and tetex

A.J. Rossini rossini at blindglobe.net
Wed Sep 10 17:21:03 MEST 2003

Peter Dalgaard BSA <p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk> writes:

> Change being Blue --> blue, Red --> red in hyperref.cfg I presume? Odd
> thing is that it doesn't happen with RedHat 8.0 tetex and ordinary
> "make pdf". Shouldn't the hyperlinks in the manuals have the same
> problem?

I'm not sure what is called in the case you mention.

Note that this doesn't happen if one uses texi2dvi from the command
line, either, which is how I traced it down when comparing output in
the tex log files.

(i.e. the inclusion of the RHOME/share/texmf/hyperref.cfg from "R CMD
build" and not present when using RHOME/bin/texi2dvi).


A.J. Rossini     			
rossini at u.washington.edu            http://www.analytics.washington.edu/ 
Biomedical and Health Informatics   University of Washington
Biostatistics, SCHARP/HVTN          Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
UW   :              FAX=206-543-3461 | moving soon to a permanent office
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