[Rd] warning from return() in 1.8 but not in 1.7.0 (PR#4687)

tord.snall at ebc.uu.se tord.snall at ebc.uu.se
Mon Oct 20 18:50:22 MEST 2003

To whom it may concern,

I get the following message when I run my function:

Warning message: 
multi-argument returns are deprecated in: return(call.fn, repl, time, from,
to, last.year, occup.m, ant.occ.m, 

> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch     i386           
os       mingw32        
system   i386, mingw32  
major    1              
minor    8.0            
year     2003           
month    10             
day      08             
language R              
Win XP

The whole return call is:
return(call.fn, repl, time, from, to, last.year, occup.m, ant.occ.m,
ant.tree.m, mean.tree.dbh.m, mean.tree.age.m)

If I reduce the call to 
return(call.fn, repl) 
I still gett the error, but if I I reduce to 
return(call.fn) or return(repl) 
it works fine.

The whole long return call works fine with the version I worked with until

platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch     i386           
os       mingw32        
system   i386, mingw32  
major    1              
minor    7.0            
year     2003           
month    04             
day      16             
language R         
Win XP

I have read CHANGES and can't find changes about return().

Thanks for letting me know what can be wrong.


Tord Snäll
Avd. f växtekologi, Evolutionsbiologiskt centrum, Uppsala universitet
Dept. of Plant Ecology, Evolutionary Biology Centre, Uppsala University
Villavägen 14			
SE-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden
Tel: 018-471 28 82 (int +46 18 471 28 82) (work)
Tel: 018-25 71 33 (int +46 18 25 71 33) (home)
Fax: 018-55 34 19 (int +46 18 55 34 19) (work)
E-mail: Tord.Snall at ebc.uu.se
Check this: http://www.vaxtbio.uu.se/resfold/snall.htm!

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