[Rd] Details section of image.Rd

Martin Maechler maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Sat Oct 18 18:17:14 MEST 2003

>>>>> "DougB" == Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu>
>>>>>     on 16 Oct 2003 09:49:07 -0500 writes:

    DougB> I am having trouble understanding the details section
    DougB> of the man page for image, especially the sentence

    DougB>      The length of 'x' should be equal to the
    DougB> 'nrow(x)+1' or 'nrow(x)'.

    DougB> Should nrow(x) be nrow(z), as indicated by this error
    DougB> message from image.default

    DougB> 	dimensions of z are not length(x)(+1) times length(y)(+1)

I'd think that this is a typo and the answer to the question is
"yes" .. (and hence I've just committed the change)


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