[Rd] help.search in trouble with R-patched ?

Laurent Gautier laurent at cbs.dtu.dk
Wed Oct 15 08:02:12 MEST 2003

...unless its me missing something...

> help.search("prompt", agrep=F)
Error: couldn't find function ".class1"
> traceback()
12: initialize(value, ...)
11: initialize(value, ...)
10: new("ObjectsWithPackage", value, package = pkg)
9: metaNameUndo(unique(these), prefix = "M", searchForm = searchForm)
8: methods:::getGenerics(ns)
7: unique(c(methods:::getGenerics(ns), methods:::getGenerics(parent.env(ns))))
6: loadNamespace(name)
5: getNamespace(ns)
4: asNamespace(ns)
3: getExportedValue(pkg, name)
2: tools::fileTest
1: help.search("prompt", agrep = F)
> version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch     i686
os       linux-gnu
system   i686, linux-gnu
status   Patched
major    1
minor    8.0
year     2003
month    10
day      14
language R

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