[Rd] Proposal: 'global' package refactoring

Warnes, Gregory R gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com
Mon Nov 24 23:12:24 MET 2003

Looking over the contents of various packages, including my own, it is clear
that lots of things end up 'hidden away' in packages where they don't
belong.  My gregmisc package is a particularly egregious example, containing
something from almost every functional category.  

I propose that from time to time the R community go through the complete set
of packages and 'refactor' the functions and data sets into packages that
have clearly defined goals.   This should make it easier to ensure that new
functions get placed into a location where users can easily find them,
reduce the amount of re-implementation/duplication existing functionality,
and assist in ensuring interoperability.

It would be worthwhile, for instance, to pull all of the functions related
to contrasts for generalized linear models into a common location, instead
of having them spread between base, Hmisc, MASS, gregmisc, etc.   Similarly,
it would be helpful to pull together all of the genetics-computations into a
single location.

I recognize that not all package maintainers would be willing to participate
and that not all functions could be easily categorized, but I believe that
this effort would yield significant benefit and is compatible with the goal
of R-core to streamline the base packages. 

To put my money where my mouth is, I'll volunteer to organize a group effort
to do such a refactoring in conjunction with the userR! 2004 or the next
DSC, whichever folks agree is better for this purpose.

Gregory R. Warnes, Ph.D.
Senior Coordinator
Groton Non-Clinical Statistics
Pfizer Global Research and Development
 <<Warnes, Gregory R.vcf>> 

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