[Rd] wishlist item: changing origin of plot (PR#5045)
maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
maechler at stat.math.ethz.ch
Fri Nov 14 19:24:05 MET 2003
>>>>> "Paul" == Paul Murrell <p.murrell at auckland.ac.nz>
>>>>> on Fri, 14 Nov 2003 09:21:12 +1300 writes:
Paul> Hi
Paul> Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Nov 2003 10:24:28 +0100 (CET), you wrote:
>>> Do you think it would be worth adding options to plot commands to
>>> reverse axes?
>>> Here is a simple example:
>>>> x <- 1:12
>>>> plot(x)
>>> Whereas if I want the x-axis reversed, I need to know the range of
>>> the x data points:
>>>> plot(x, xlim=c(12,1))
>> This seems like a fairly obscure need, and it can be done by
>> calculating the range of x at plot time, e.g.
>> plot(x, y, xlim=rev(range(x)))
>> or
>> plot(y, xlim=c(length(y),1))
Paul> That assumes that you know how the axis range is going
Paul> to be calculated. If a plotting function (barplot
Paul> springs to mind) calculates the axis range internally
Paul> then the user has a hard task to try and emulate that
Paul> behaviour (in order to rev() it). OTOH, the same
Paul> point raises the potential problem that LOTS of
Paul> plotting functions would possibly have to be updated
Paul> because they assume that the x-scale goes
Paul> left-to-right (here interaction.plot springs to mind
Paul> because it allocates space within the plot for a
Paul> legend).
Paul> Paul
>> I'd be happier with including one of those in the example code rather
>> than with adding another couple of parameters to par.
>> Duncan Murdoch
StephenE> So, maybe something like:
StephenE> plot(x, x.rev=TRUE)
StephenE> could be implemented. X.REV could default to FALSE, and then
StephenE> plot.default could have something like:
StephenE> xlim <- if (is.null(xlim)) {
StephenE> if (x.rev)
StephenE> rev( range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)]))
StephenE> else
StephenE> range(xy$x[is.finite(xy$x)])
StephenE> }
StephenE> So, it would reverse the xlimits only if xlim was not specified.
StephenE> Likewise, code could be added for ylim.
A much simpler alternative (and more in line with Stephen's
original whish ?!) is to only make this a new argument
for plot.default(); no par()'s at all.
This would make the argument work correctly for quite a few plot
methods that pass their "..." to plot.default(), but might not
be clean enough, since some things won't work {as e.g. Paul has mentioned}.
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