[Rd] R Enhancements

Venkatesh mpvenkatesh at lycos.com
Wed May 28 14:10:19 MEST 2003


We - Venkatesh Mysore and Salvatore Paxia of the New York University's Bioinformatics Group under Prof.Bud Mishra - have been working on enhancements to R for a while now. 

We're happy to announce that we have some good stuff up and running now:

1. A debuggable Microsoft Visual C version ( _MSC_VER) of R-1.7.0: R-1.7.0-msc (YES !!!!)

2. COM/OLE-support that will allow invoking of functions defined elsewhere (similar to the .ole functionality in S+): R-1.7.0-msc-com

3. Minor Fixes/Extensions: R-1.7.0-msc-com-minor

Note that these extensions are NOT dependent on each other. More documentation and downloadable material is avilable at:


Please let me know how I can submit the material to you more 'formally'.

Venkatesh Mysore

PS: I will be in town for only two more days, so I will apreciate it if you could look into this as soon as you can ! Thanks again.

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