[Rd] faraway package installation failed (PR#3076)
ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Thu May 22 18:30:52 MEST 2003
jotero at lsi.uniovi.es wrote:
> Full_Name: Jos? Otero
> Version: Version 1.5.0 (2002-04-29)
> OS: Redhat 7.3
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Hi:
> Installation of package faraway
> as root, from tarbal:
> R CMD INSTALL ./faraway.tar.gz
> ERROR: cannot extract package from './faraway.tar.gz'
> idem, from zipped package:
> R CMD INSTALL faraway.zip
> gzip: faraway.zip has more than one entry--rest ignored
> ERROR: cannot extract package from 'faraway.zip'
> It seems to WORK if the package is untared FIRST
> but not from the compressed file. It is of course a minor bug.
> Many thanks. Follow explanation...
> The files seem to be ok:
> file faraway.*
> faraway.tar.gz: gzip compressed data, deflated, original filename,
> `faraway.tar', last modified: Mon May 5 21:35:19 2003, os: Unix
> faraway.zip: Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
> unzip -l faraway.zip
> Archive: faraway.zip
[snipped huge amount of garbage]
This is not a bug in R!!! Why do you think so?
1) faraway.tar.gz is not from CRAN, so please refer to it appropriately.
2) It looks like the package is inappropriately packaged, so it's
presumably a bug in that package, not in R.
3) R-1.5.0 is completely outdated (we are two major versions later these
days). Please check a recent version before sending bug reports.
Uwe Ligges
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