[Rd] R-1.7.0: Rproxy.dll loadlibrary/freelibrary error (PR#2914)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Tue May 6 10:25:37 MEST 2003


I was hoping someone else would pick up on this one.  I don't know the
rproxy code at all, so I can't tell if the error you are seeing is
some new error in R or a mistake on your part.  I've cc'd this to
Thomas Baier; Thomas, can you comment on this?

Venkatesh, you do mention a "huge leakage difference".  Could you
expand on that, and maybe give a loop in plain R code that causes R to
grow without bounds?

Duncan Murdoch

On Mon, 5 May 2003 01:07:30 +0200 (MET DST), you wrote in message
<200305042307.h44N7U2b006301 at pubhealth.ku.dk>:

>Full_Name: Venkatesh Mysore
>Version: R-1.7.0
>OS: WindowsXP
>Submission from: (NULL) (
>While accessing Rproxy.dll repeatedly (using the code from the (D)COM example in
>the R website) causes a failure in the 24th iteration. R-1.6.2 does NOT give
>this error. This seems to be a memory management error, that might be linked to
>the huge leakage difference between R-1.7.0 and R-1.6.2 (leakage observed using
>Windows Task Manager).
>Here is a C program that can be used to reproduce the error:
>(the files SC-Proxy.h, Defn.h, Rinternals.h etc.. are to be included in the path
>- see StatConnector.cpp in the (D)COM server example)
>#include "windows.h"
>#include "stdio.h"
>#include "SC_Proxy.h"
>#define RDLL "Rproxy.dll"
>struct _SC_Proxy_Object* m_ProxyObject;
>HMODULE m_ProxyModule;
>#define	SCN_IERR_INTERFACENOTFOUND      0x81000000
>#define	SCN_IERR_LIBRARYNOTFOUND        0x81000001
>#define	SCN_IERR_INVALIDLIBRARY         0x81000002
>#define SCN_ERR_INITIALIZED             0x81000005
>#define SCN_ERR_NOTINITIALIZED          0x81000006
>#define TRACEBUFSIZE 1024
>// 00-02-18 | baier | support arguments for connector initialization
>// 01-04-04 | baier | enhancements by BDR: set RHOME from registry
>// 03-04-07 | baier | check registry key on failure even if R_HOME is set,
>//                    check PATH if everything else fails. trace failures!
>int loadDll()
>	  static char lTraceBuffer[TRACEBUFSIZE];
>     // get entry-point
>	if (getenv ("R_HOME"))
>	  { // BDR
>		  OutputDebugString("from env:");
>		  char DLLlocation[MAX_PATH];
>		  strcpy(DLLlocation, getenv("R_HOME"));
>		  strcat(DLLlocation, "\\bin\\");
>		  strcat(DLLlocation, RDLL);
>		  OutputDebugString(DLLlocation);
>		  m_ProxyModule = LoadLibraryEx (DLLlocation, NULL, 
>		  // trace failure!
>		  if (m_ProxyModule == 0) {
>			  sprintf(lTraceBuffer,"R_HOME set to \"%s\", failed to load \"%s\"\n",
>				  getenv("R_HOME"),DLLlocation);
>			  OutputDebugString(lTraceBuffer);
>		  }
>	  }
>      if (m_ProxyModule == 0)
>	  {
>	  // look in the registry
>	  OutputDebugString("from reg:");
>	  char DLLlocation[MAX_PATH];
>	  LONG rc;
>	  HKEY hkey;
>	  DWORD keytype = REG_SZ;
>	  DWORD cbData = sizeof (DLLlocation);
>	  rc = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\R-core\\R", 0, 
>			     KEY_READ, &hkey);
>	  if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
>	    {
>	      rc = RegQueryValueEx (hkey, "InstallPath", 0, &keytype, 
>				    (LPBYTE)DLLlocation, &cbData);
>	      RegCloseKey (hkey);
>	    }
>	  if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)
>	    {
>	      // set R_HOME
>	      char *buf;
>	      buf =
>		(char *) malloc ((strlen (DLLlocation) + 8) * sizeof (char));
>	      strcpy (buf, "R_HOME=");
>	      strcat (buf, DLLlocation);
>	      putenv (buf);
>	      //SetEnvironmentVariable ("R_HOME",DLLlocation);
>	      strcat (DLLlocation, "\\bin\\");
>		  strcat (DLLlocation, RDLL);
>		  OutputDebugString(DLLlocation);
>	      m_ProxyModule = LoadLibraryEx (DLLlocation, NULL, 
>	      if (m_ProxyModule == 0) {
>		sprintf(lTraceBuffer,"Registry information said to load \"%s\", failed!\n",
>		        DLLlocation);
>		OutputDebugString(lTraceBuffer);
>	      }
>	    }
>	  } //module==0
>	//m_ProxyModule = LoadLibraryEx ("C:\\R\\rw1070\\bin\\Rproxy.dll", NULL, 
>      lFunc = (SC_PROXY_GET_OBJECT) GetProcAddress (m_ProxyModule,
>    						   SC_PROXY_GET_OBJECT_FUN);
>      if (lFunc == 0)
>    	{
>          return -1;
>    	}
>      // get proxy object
>      ULONG lRc = lFunc (&m_ProxyObject,SC_PROXY_INTERFACE_VERSION);
>      if ((lRc != SC_PROXY_OK) || (m_ProxyObject == 0))
>    	{
>    	  FreeLibrary (m_ProxyModule);
>    	  m_ProxyModule = 0;
>          return -2;
>    	}
>      char* lParams = 0;
>	lParams = strdup ("");
>	OutputDebugString("vtbl->init getting called:");         
>      // init R
>      lRc = m_ProxyObject->vtbl->init (m_ProxyObject,lParams);
>	OutputDebugString("done init.");      
>      free (lParams);
>      if (lRc != SC_PROXY_OK)
>    	{
>    	  m_ProxyObject->vtbl->release (m_ProxyObject);
>    	  m_ProxyObject = 0;
>    	  FreeLibrary (m_ProxyModule);
>    	  m_ProxyModule = 0;
>    	  return -3;
>    	}
>    return 1;
>int unloadDll()
>      m_ProxyObject->vtbl->release (m_ProxyObject);
>	  m_ProxyObject = 0;
>	  DWORD err;
>      int b = FreeLibrary (m_ProxyModule);
>	  if (b==0) {
>		  err = GetLastError();
>		char ss[100];
>		sprintf(ss,"\n\nErr = %d\n\n", err);
>		OutputDebugString(ss);
>		return -1;
>	  } else OutputDebugString("no error unloading Rproxy dll.\n\n");
>	  m_ProxyModule = 0;
>  return 1;
>int main() {
>	char ss[100];
>	int i,x,a;
>	for (i=1; i<=100; i++) {
>		sprintf(ss,"Iteration: %d", i);
>		OutputDebugString(ss);
>	x=loadDll();
>	if (x<=0) OutputDebugString("LoadLibraryEx ERROR.");
>	else OutputDebugString("LoadLibraryEx succeeded.");
>	a = unloadDll();
>	if (a<=0) OutputDebugString("FreeLibrary ERROR.");
>	else OutputDebugString("FreeLibrary succeeded.");
>	}
>-Venkatesh Mysore
>Bioinformatics Group,
>New York University
>R-devel at stat.math.ethz.ch mailing list

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