[Rd] Opening previous workspace in Windows (PR#2890)

Heather.L.Turner at exeter.ac.uk Heather.L.Turner at exeter.ac.uk
Thu May 1 17:17:58 MEST 2003

Full_Name: Heather Turner
Version: 1.7.0
OS: Windows 98
Submission from: (NULL) (

I have just upgraded to 1.7.0 from 1.4.1. Unlike 1.4.1, version 1.7.0 will not
open .RData files from Windows Explorer. This appears to be because there are
spaces in the path name as I get the error messages:

ARGUMENT `C:\My'__ignored____

followed by

ARGUMENT `Documents\Arrays\...'____ignored____

etc, where the full path begins `C:\My Documents\Arrays\...'

I can get around this problem by opening R then loading the workspace using the
File menu or dragging and dropping the file into R, but I found opening the
workspace from Explorer a convenient one-step method and it would be nice if it
worked with the new version.

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