[Rd] class of integers
Torsten Hothorn
Torsten.Hothorn at rzmail.uni-erlangen.de
Wed Mar 12 17:07:46 MET 2003
I'm a little bit confused about the class of integers (with yesterdays
R> a <- 1:10
R> class(a)
[1] "integer"
R> inherits(a, "integer")
R> data.class(a)
[1] "numeric"
R> is.numeric(a)
[1] TRUE
R> inherits(a, "numeric")
data.class is consistent with R-1.6.2, ok. The class of "a" is integer,
also ok. At first: why does "inherits" state that "a" is not of class
integer nor numeric?
And at second: one possible way of writing portable code (between 1.6.2
and 1.7.0) for generics is using:
foo <- function(y, ...) {
class(y) <- data.class(y)
UseMethod("foo", y, ...)
foo.default <- function(y, ...) {
stop(paste("Do not know how to handle objects of class", class(y)))
(the thread "[Rd] Methods package is now attached by default" around Jan
20th discussed this)
If I have
foo.numeric <- function(y, ...)
this works with R-1.6.2 but since foo now dispatches on "class(y)" this
fails for integers with r-devel. Does this mean that I have to implement
foo.integer methods?
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