[Rd] question on latticeParseFormula (PR#2602)
Deepayan Sarkar
Tue Mar 4 02:54:03 2003
On Monday 03 March 2003 07:10 pm, rmh@surfer.sbm.temple.edu wrote:
> I didn't get a warning. I got exactly what I sent.
That's odd. Because I get a warning on Linux, and on the outside chance that
this might be a Windows issue, I just installed R 1.6.2 on Windows 2000 and
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> a = factor(1:4)
> b = factor(1:4)
> a + b
Warning message:
"+" not meaningful for factors in: Ops.factor(a, b)
> The NA doesn't bother me since I am interested in parsing the expression,
> specifically to see what is to the left of the "~" and what is to the
> right of the "~". I am interested in components left.name and right.name,
> .I am not interested in left and right. My inference from your response
> is that I should work with the parse tree from
> parse(text="y ~ a + b")
> rather than continue pushing latticeParseFormula.
Maybe you want something like
as.character(y ~ a + b)[-1]