[Rd] "show" problem with R 1.7 devel
Mon Mar 3 16:30:03 2003
That's a rather old version of R-devel: a lot has changed since, including
`show'. At present print will be used, but that might change before
You should be able to fix this immediately by changing
options(defaultPackages) in the system profile to omit "methods", but you
would be better off with a more recent snapshot.
On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Frank E Harrell Jr wrote:
> On
> platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
> arch i686
> os linux-gnu
> system i686, linux-gnu
> status Under development (unstable)
> major 1
> minor 7.0
> year 2003
> month 02
> day 12
> language R
> I am running R CMD check on the Hmisc library. The following fails:
> b <- structure(list(mean.prior = 0, var.prior = 1000,
> mean.post = -0.138829104407766,
> var.post = 0.00414867454558915, mean.pred = -0.138829104407766,
> var.pred = 0.00622750409401426),
> .Names = c("mean.prior", "var.prior", "mean.post", "var.post",
> "mean.pred", "var.pred"), class = "gbayes")
> b
> Error in show(structure(list(mean.prior = 0, var.prior = 1000, mean.post = -0.138829104407766, :
> no applicable method for "show"
> I did not define print.gbayes, as I want the default print method to be used for such objects.
> Thanks,
> Frank
Brian D. Ripley, ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
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