[Rd] library(grid) : .First.lib fails (PR#3347)

arnima at u.washington.edu arnima at u.washington.edu
Fri Jun 27 03:00:23 MEST 2003

Dear r-bugs,

I'm having problems loading the 'grid' package when it has been detached
earlier in the same session:

> library(grid)
> detach("package:grid")
> library(grid)
Error in .Call("L_initGrid", PACKAGE = "grid") :
        .Call function name not in load table
Error in library(grid) : .First.lib failed

This bug was mentioned on r-help some time ago
(www.stat.math.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2002-January/016904.html), but I
don't think it has entered the bug tracking system yet. The bug is
relevant for me since it crashes functions I use for package maintenance.


OS:   Windows XP
R:    1.7.1
grid: 0.7.4

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