[Rd] Re: rw1071 - cut and paste bug

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.uni-dortmund.de
Wed Jun 18 17:36:42 MEST 2003

Duncan Murdoch wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Jun 03 09:39:42 EDT, you wrote in message
> <200306181351.h5IDpEOC122970 at northrelay03.pok.ibm.com>:
>>I have installed the binary of R-1.7.1 for Windows from CRAN.  After
>>using the Cut or Paste buttons the R Console window does not respond
>>to keyboard input; the window can be reactivated by switching to another
>>window and back to the R console.  Cutting and pasting via Ctrl-C or
>>Ctrl-V does not have this problem.
> By the way, another workaround if you're allergic to the keyboard is
> to use the right mouse button to bring up the local menu and choose
> Paste from there; it also seems immune to the speedbutton (not hotkey,
> as I miswrote in my previous message) bug.  That's the normal way I do
> cut and paste, since the buttons aren't available in SDI mode.

Ahhh. Ignore my former message. Now I see.
(I have *never* used those buttons before, though.)


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