[Rd] problem with temp dir (PR#3272)

HankeA at mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca HankeA at mar.dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Tue Jun 17 17:04:29 MEST 2003

I recently installed R on a Windows 95 machine. Everything went well untill
I tried to run the program. I get the R console and a message "fatal error
can't mkdir R_TempDir". The R-help archive has a report of a similar problem
but the instructions for repair seem to assume that the R console is
available (the program closes after the error). An installation on an
identical machine works fine? I would greatly appreciate help with this.

Alex Hanke
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
St. Andrews Biological Station
531 Brandy Cove Road
St. Andrews, NB
E5B 2L9

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