[Rd] Problem with Rcmd check and S4 methods

Duncan Murdoch dmurdoch at pair.com
Fri Jun 13 15:33:44 MEST 2003

On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 13:18:23 -0400, you wrote:

>It would be nice to be able to get a dump from the R CMD check
>evaluation--maybe someone can suggest how.

If I just cut all the preamble from the Rout file and paste it into
the console, I get the same error.  Here's a traceback(), I'm not sure
what you mean by a dump.


>  x <- eulerzyx(1,0,0)
Error: Trying to get slot "validity" from an object of a basic class
("NULL") with no slots
> traceback()
5: validObject(.Object)
4: initialize(value, ...)
3: initialize(value, ...)
2: new("eulerzyx", x = cbind(psi, theta, phi))
1: eulerzyx(1, 0, 0)

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