[Rd] round to even digit (PR#3604)

kbroman at jhsph.edu kbroman at jhsph.edu
Thu Jul 31 20:53:51 MEST 2003

Full_Name: Karl W Broman
Version: 1.7.1
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (

There appears to be a slight problem with round(); for rounding off a 5, 
it should go to the even digit, but there appear to be some cases where
it goes to an odd digit; see below.

Thanks! karl

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Version 1.7.1  (2003-06-16)

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> round(c(0.175, 1.175, 2.175, 3.175, 4.175, 5.175, 6.175, 7.175, 8.175, 9.175),
 [1] 0.18 1.18 2.17 3.17 4.17 5.17 6.17 7.17 8.18 9.18
> round(c(1.75, 11.75, 21.75, 31.75, 41.75, 51.75, 61.75, 71.75, 81.75, 91.75),
 [1]  1.8 11.8 21.8 31.8 41.8 51.8 61.8 71.8 81.8 91.8
> version
platform i686-pc-linux-gnu
arch     i686             
os       linux-gnu        
system   i686, linux-gnu  
major    1                
minor    7.1              
year     2003             
month    06               
day      16               
language R                

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