[Rd] Re: I am puzzled about something in pnorm in R (PR#3545)
organism at ices.utexas.edu
organism at ices.utexas.edu
Thu Jul 24 05:15:00 MEST 2003
sorry for the late reply. i dunno if anyone ever wrote you back.
although perhaps not written for clarity, i think what appears in the code
is correct. the routine only guarantees that one of cum or ccum has a
valid return value depending on i_tail (the other might as well be
garbage, but that isn't what's returned).
On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 Henrik.Seidel at schering.de wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a bit puzzled about the "swap_tail" macro in pnorm.c of the R sources.
> I cite:
> #define swap_tail \
> if (x > 0.) {/* swap ccum <--> cum */ \
> temp = *cum; if(lower) *cum = *ccum; *ccum = temp; \
> }
> It appears to me that ccum and cum should be swapped if x>0 and if lower.
> However, here we get the following result:
> 1.) x > 0 and lower: ccum will get the old value of cum, cum will get the
> old value of ccum, so both are swapped
> 2.) x > 0 and not lower: ccum will get the old value of cum, but cum will
> keep its old value, so values are not swapped but both values are set to
> the original value of cum
> Is this the expected behavior?
> Regards
> Henrik
> --
> Dr. Henrik Seidel, physicist/research scientist in bioinformatics
> Schering AG, Enabling Technologies, Genomics/Bioinformatics, S109/7/717b,
> D-13342 Berlin, Germany, Tel.: +49 30 468 16683, Fax.: +49 30 468 96683,
> Mobile: +49 179 9416872, henrik.seidel at schering.de, http://www.schering.de
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