[Rd] Possible bug in socketConnection (PR#2511)

DEd@novonordisk.com DEd@novonordisk.com
Fri Jan 31 11:04:02 2003

Full_Name: David Edwards
Version: 1.6.2
OS: Windows 2000
Submission from: (NULL) (

I am trying to communicate with another program (MIM 3.1), that has a
non-blocking socket server connection using port 50. The first call to
socketConnection gives an error but after repeating the call it works fine. 

 MIM <- socketConnection(port=50)
Error in socketConnection(port = 50) : unable to open connection
In addition: Warning message: 
localhost:50 cannot be opened 
> MIM <- socketConnection(port=50)

Thereafter ok.

Is this a bug?