[Rd] help page for anova.glm/variation between S-PLUS and R
Mon Jan 27 19:16:16 2003
Not really!
I don't think it is our job to describe the inconsistencies of S-PLUS,
especially since that might change from version to version. It would be
really messy, as S-PLUS ignores the scale for the Chisq test (which seems
perverse), and lacks the dispersion argument.
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, Ben Bolker wrote:
> When using test="F" in stat.anova() / anova.glm(), R uses the assumed
> dispersion parameter for the specified family (e.g. scale=1 for binomial),
> while S-PLUS automatically uses the estimated dispersion parameter
> (residual deviance/residual df). I think there are good reasons for the
> behavior in R -- it fits with the "you get what you actually asked for"
> philosophy -- and there are hints in the documentation (anova.glm(): "for
> [models] with dispersion estimated by moments ... the F test is most
> appropriate"; family/binomial(): "The behaviour of S-PLUS is closer to the
> quasi- variants").
> Would R-core consider it reasonable to add yet another sentence to the
> anova.glm() documentation, e.g. after the "... F test is most appropriate"
> sentence above, adding: "(Note: unlike R, S-PLUS automatically uses the
> moment-estimated dispersion for F-tests even for the binomial and Poisson
> families: see ?quasibinomial.)" ?
> Ben Bolker
Brian D. Ripley, ripley@stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
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