[Rd] hist() with option "sub" (PR#2492)

jerome@hivnet.ubc.ca jerome@hivnet.ubc.ca
Fri Jan 24 20:39:02 2003

Full_Name: Jerome Asselin
Version: 1.6.2
OS: redhat linux 7.2
Submission from: (NULL) (

This is certainly not a big problem, but should there really
be a warning message when I run this?

> x <- c(1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3)
> hist(x,sub="Sub Title")
Warning messages:
1: parameter "sub" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function
2: parameter "sub" couldn't be set in high-level plot() function

The sub title DOES show on the graph. I believe the warning
message is generated by axis() which does not deal with the
parameter "sub".

The hist() help file says:
     ...: further graphical parameters to `title' and `axis'.

I am aware of the challenges of dealing with dots (...) in
functions. Perhaps just a note in the help file about this
would be the best way to keep the code simple.
